Using ChatGPT to convert to new syntax

This document provides a guide on using ChatGPT to convert existing HashScript code into the new HashJS-syntax. It includes prompts and instructions to make use of ChatGPT capabilities in the conversion task.
Updated: 24.02.2025 09:30

Always manually check the result to ensure that the conversion was done correctly and verify all syntax changes.

Prompt to use from Chat GPT cha­t

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I will now first give you your task, then I will give you the code you need to update. Just reply OK when you understand.

Task: Convert code from specific bracket syntax to JavaScript (HashJS) syntax. It is a server-side language that uses # followed by JavaScript code. It ends with # as well, so if you write #{ }# it becomes a code block without writing to the output. If you write #expression# without curly brackets, it directly outputs the expression on the page. If you write a statement (e.g., if), there will be no output.

Replace all instances of #[expression]# with #if(expression) {#. This goes to all the #[variablename]# statements as well, those will become #if(variablename) {# statements.
Replace all instances of #[/expression]# and #[/variablename]# ending statements with #}# to end the code blocks.
Replace all instances of #[else:expression]# and with #} else {#.
Change all "OR(...)" expressions with normal JavaScript syntax.
Replace all instances of #[data-loop=expression]# with #for(let item of expression) {#. Also convert data-loop attributes to this new syntax. You need to place the loop right after the tag  and wrap around all the child elements of the tag where the attribute was placed. Update references to unknown variables inside loops to use the specified loop variable instead of implicitly fetching from 'this'. So you have to check every variable within the loops and update the unknown ones with "item.variablename".
Replace all instances of #[/data-loop=expression]# with #}#.
Replace all instances of #setvar(variablename, value)# to either declare with #let variablename = value# also just update variables if they have already been declared. You must keep track of this because the old syntax didn't declare variables. Change "add" increment calls to simple #{ variable++; }# statements, make sure to place them in a code block, so they don't output to the content.

Reply only and exclusively with the updated code.
  • Paste prompt
  • Then paste code

Prompt to use from co­de fi­les

Enable AI extensions and press ALT+A in a code file. Convert your files in to operations:
Convert IF statements:
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Task: Convert code from specific HashScript (bracket syntax) to JavaScript (HashJS) syntax. It is a server-side language that uses # followed by JavaScript code. It ends with # as well, so if you write #{ }# it becomes a code block without writing to the output. If you write #expression# without curly brackets, it directly outputs the expression on the page. If you write a statement (e.g., if), there will be no output.

Important, do not change any #[data-loop]# expressions now. That is done in a later step.

Do not modify any standard javascript code in <script> blocks.

Replace all instances of #[expression]# (must be bracket, but not #[data-loop=expression]#) with #if(expression) {#. This goes to all the #[variablename]# statements as well, those will become #if(variablename) {# statements.

Replace all instances of #[/expression]#  (must be bracket, but not #[/data-loop=expression]#) and #[/variablename]# ending statements with #}# to end the code blocks.
Replace all instances of #[else:expression]# and with #} else {#.
Change all "OR(...)" expressions with normal JavaScript syntax.
Make sure that there are double equal synmbols in converted if statements.

Replace all instances of #setvar(variablename, value)# to either declare with #let variablename = value# also just update variables if they have already been declared. You must keep track of this because the old syntax didn't declare variables. Change "add" increment calls to simple #{ variable++; }# statements, make sure to place them in a code block, so they don't output to the content.

Leave all other instances of #expression# without the bracket and setvar as they are.
Convert LOOP statements:
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Task: Convert code from specific bracket syntax to JavaScript (HashJS) syntax. It is a server-side language that uses # followed by JavaScript code. It ends with # as well, so if you write #{ }# it becomes a code block without writing to the output. If you write #expression# without curly brackets, it directly outputs the expression on the page. If you write a statement (e.g., if), there will be no output.
Replace all instances of #[data-loop=expression]# with #for(let item of expression) {#. Update references to unknown variables inside loops to use the specified loop variable instead of implicitly fetching from 'this'. So you have to check every variable within the loops and update the unknown ones with "item.variablename". For nested loops, make sure to use a unique and describing variable name for 'item'.
Replace all instances of #[/data-loop=expression]# with #}#.
Replace all instances of "data-loop" attributes to this new syntax. You need to place the loop right after the tag  and wrap around all the child elements of the tag where the attribute was placed. Also update all variables here.
Replace all instances of #setvar(variablename, value)# to either declare with #let variablename = value# also just update variables if they have already been declared. You must keep track of this because the old syntax didn't declare variables. Change "add" increment calls to simple #{ variable++; }# statements, make sure to place them in a code block, so they don't output to the content.
Never change any other code in the file. Do not update server side include or master comments.
Se screenshots below

Ge­mini promp­t

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Convert the following code from the old syntax to the new syntax.

Key Differences to Consider:

Iteration: The old syntax uses #[data-loop="Liste"]# to iterate through a list, while the new syntax uses #for(let item of Liste) {#. Make sure to correctly replace the opening and closing tags for the loop.

Variable Access: In the old syntax, variables are accessed directly (e.g., #Dato#). In the new syntax, they are accessed as properties of the current item in the loop (e.g., #item.Dato#). Ensure all variables are accessed correctly within the loop.

Conditional Blocks: The old syntax uses #[Bilde]# to conditionally display content, while the new syntax uses #if (item.Bilde) {#. Make sure to correctly replace the opening and closing tags for conditional blocks.

Formatting and Calculations:
#cdbl(Pris)."N"# should be converted to #docly.format(parseFloat(item.Pris), "N")# to format numbers.
#Sum(Liste,"Pris")."N"# should be converted to #docly.format(docly.Sum(Liste,"Pris"), "N")# to calculate and format sums.
#getdate()."dd.MM.yyyy"# should be converted to #docly.format(new Date(), "dd.MM.yyyy")# to format dates.

Example Conversions:
Old Syntax - #[data-loop="Liste"]# New Syntax - #for(let item of Liste) {#
Old Syntax - #[/data-loop="Liste"]# New Syntax - #}#
Old Syntax - #Dato# New Syntax - #item.Dato#
Old Syntax - #cdbl(Pris)."N"# New Syntax - #docly.format(parseFloat(item.Pris), "N")#
Old Syntax - #[Bilde]# New Syntax - #if (item.Bilde) {#
Old Syntax - #[/Bilde]# New Syntax - #}#
Old Syntax - #Sum(Liste,"Pris")."N"# New Syntax - #docly.format(docly.Sum(Liste,"Pris"), "N")#
Old Syntax - #getdate()."dd.MM.yyyy"# New Syntax - #docly.format(new Date(), "dd.MM.yyyy")#

Please convert the following code: